Saturday, March 12, 2011

Wild Harvest Natural Cola

Wild Harvest is a company founded in 2008 to produce a wide range of organic and natural foods. Their cola is made with cane sugar, but not available in bottles. You'll usually find these drinks in natural food stores or the health food section of your supermarket instead of the soda aisle. 

The first thing I've noticed about this drink is that the website lists it as caffeine free, while the can's ingredient's list natural caffeine. It doesn't carry much of an aroma, but has a better level of carbonation than expected... albeit pretty average for a canned drink. I've found that canned sodas usually contain more carbonation than their bottled counterparts even when it is the same drink. This is a very mellow cola. It isn't nearly as cola rich in flavor as I was expecting from a 'natural' soda. For some reason I suppose the term natural made me think of richer taste as in other natural foods that have less processing between the source materials and the end product. However with this cola I might as well be drinking a strong ginger ale because it's just too weak for me. 

If you are for supporting smaller companies or organic/natural goods then by all means this is a viable choice but it doesn't do it for me. I'll look forward to trying some of their other flavors in the future and hope for better results. 

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