Sunday, July 3, 2011

Red Bull Cola

An Austrian, named Dietrich Mateschitz travelled to Thailand in 1982 and discovered an energy drink named "Krating Daeng", which translated to "Red Bull." He and the owner of Krating Daeng founded Red Bull with the aim to tweak the drink for the European market. The Red Bull energy drink hit the streets in Europe in 1987, but didn't arrive in America until 1997.

The Red Bull energy drink became hugely popular and in 2008, the company introduced Red Bull Cola. I found the aroma quite enticing with a sugary sweet smell. The flavor however, may be a result of the fact that there is no phosphoric acid, preservatives or artificial flavors added. I found it to have a heavy herbal flavor from the natural herbs used but it had nearly no cola flavor. While the drink does the trick in giving you a nice boost of energy, I'd probably drink a regular Red Bull instead if that was my goal. As far as a cola drink goes, I think it falls short.

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