Monday, October 31, 2011

Bawls G33K B33R Root Beer

Bawls began in 1996 as a high-caffiene soft drink with guarana flavoring. They market a line up which now includes Bawls Cherry as well as Bawls Root Beer, as well as provide several recipes for use as a mixer. 

I could be wrong, but it appears as if Bawls G33K B33R was renamed to Bawls Root Beer because the name may have been to cryptic, nor does not appear in the list on their website. It pleasantly tastes like root beer rather than some sort of odd energy drink flavor with a tinge of root beer. It's unique, studded bottle lends some curb appeal as well. While not a particularly memorable root beer flavor, it's not creamy either... it still stands up as a tasty bottle. I'd recommend this to root beer aficionados, late night code monkeys or someone who wants an extra wired edge to their root beer float.

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