Friday, October 14, 2011

Kazouza 1941 : Lime Pomegranate

There's little to be found about the history of this drink produced by Cedars Premium, despite being the oldest beverage maker in Lebanon. They inserted 1941 into the name of this line of carbonated fruit juices as an homage to their history, the year the family owned business began. Because this line up is really a sparkling fruit juice, there are rather different options than a standard soda maker, including watermelon, pink grapefruit, tamarind, strawberry melon and lemon ice among others. They are also made with very natural ingredients such as cane sugar and real fruit juices. For those geographically inclined, Lebanon is a small Mediterranean country abutting the northern border of Israel. Due to the events of WWII, Lebanon was occupied by French and British troops in June of 1941, with independence declared in November. 

It has ample carbonation contained within its uniquely shaped, curvy bottle and a sugary sweet quaff. Pleasantly, the sugary smell does not translate to overly sweet taste. The flavor has the right amount of tartness you expect from real fruit. It's quite refreshing, with a strong pomegranate lead but finishes with a slight lime taste. It's clear, however, that the more I drink the stronger the sugary flavor comes out. I think this would be an excellent morning beverage paired with about any breakfast food I can think of well. 

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