Monday, October 24, 2011

Unknown Dred Formula No. 53 Road Rage Red

This is an interesting one... Unknown Dred, as he's called, is the man with his face on the label that also happens to resemble George Clinton a little. He's worked as a driver for Real Soda, a California beverage distributor and licensed bottler of many sodas. Ol' Dred wanted a soda with kick, but also wanted a punch flavor. The gang at Real Soda wanted to give him a soda namesake as a 53rd birthday gift. Although I'd love to have my own soda... the official website looks like something a kid did and could use some work.

Once opened there is a terrifically vibrant fruity smell. However the cap leaves a new mystery. On the underside a quote reads, "We aren't going to sell out our reputation for $74.75!" I have no idea what this alludes to... an inside joke a Real Soda maybe? Billed as a carbonated energy drink, the ingredient list names guarana, maca, maté, kola nut, schizandra, ginseng, green tea, and caffeine among other things. 

While the smell is enticing, the flavor is a bit strange, which is typical from the ingredients used in energy drinks. It's still fruity but has that herbal quality that can't really be described due to such a unique blend of these extracts. It's not unpleasant, but I wouldn't choose to pair this with anything. I could certainly see using it as a mixer with a fruitiness that Red Bull doesn't have. 

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