Sunday, November 20, 2011

Cherry China Cola

The China Cola brand is an interesting blended soda, in that they blend traditional herbs into their drinks. This is their Cherry Cola offering, my previous entry on regular China Cola can be seen here

The herbal ingredients give it a spicy scent. Strangely, it almost seems as if the herbal qualities of their cherry cola are stronger than that of their regular cola. I like to think I have a pretty sensitive palate but I cannot seem to find any hint of cherry within this drink. That isn't to say this is a bad soda, but expect a herbal tone with a spiciness like that of nutmeg and cinnamon. That aura makes it a pretty good choice for fall because of the use of nutmeg, cinnamon and ginger in many autumnal baked goods. Give it a try if you see it. 

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