Friday, November 18, 2011

Switch Black Cherry

Switch began in 2001. It's founder, Mike Gilbert, enjoyed fruit juices but frequently mixed in sparkling water. So he started a company that bottles carbonated fruit drinks made from 100% juice. Because there is no sugar added and is gluten free with no preservatives it has picked up many schools as customers as a healthy alternative to sugary sodas. 

You'll often find these sodas in your market's health food/natural food sections and I really enjoy them. The carbonation isn't very heavy and they retain the flavor of real fruit juice. This black cherry reminds me very much of the Juicy Juice brand of beverages. The black cherry is tart and rich like you want in a black cherry drink. It's nice that there are these options out there in the marketplace. Black cherry is good, but I'm looking forward to tasting their orange-tangerine and lemon-lime as well.

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