Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Shasta Cola

In 1889, a group of men from Baltimore, Maryland founded a resort and health spa at Mt. Shasta in Northern California. It was in these times that many health spas sprung up around the country near natural springs for the "curative effects" of the mineral water or naturally carbonated water from these springs. Due to the popularity of their spring water they began bottling and selling it elsewhere too. In 1931 they grew their product line to include sodas by flavoring their naturally carbonated spring water.

Shasta was a pioneer in the concept of selling soda in cans as well as the use of wholesalers as a method of distribution. Consolidated Foods purchased the Shasta brand in the 60's and then sold off in 1985 to National Beverage Corp. who also produces the Faygo soda line. Today Shasta is predominately known as a value-focused brand in grocery stores and has a very wide variety of flavors. 

Shasta Cola has a similar cinnamon-like aroma of Pepsi. Upon taste it is close to that of Pepsi if you want to use that as a baseline. The finish has more of a cinnamon tinge to it, finally followed by a slightly chemical ending on the back of the tongue. But really, this is a very good Pepsi or RC Cola replacement.

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