Monday, May 6, 2013

Boom Chugga Lugga True Cherry Cola

Out of Traverse City, Michigan comes a line of sodas called Boom Chugga Lugga, all of which include some cherry flavor combination. This wouldn't be that surprising to locals, but that area of Michigan grows more tart cherries than anywhere else in the U.S. Aside from cherry crops there are a large number of vineyards in that area. No word on when they began producing this roster of cherry beverages.

I had expected a pungent cherry scent from opening this bottle, however there is almost no scent cherry or cola and the carbonation is quite light. Even with a low level of bubblage, it tastes quite good. I can't be certain whether the cherry offsets the kola nut flavoring or there just isn't much kola in it. But the flavor is very smooth and like a mild cherry with a hint of cinnamon. I haven't tasted a plain tart cherry, but I would have thought it more bitter in taste than a bing cherry, but as I said this is mild and smooth. I give this a high recommendation.

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