Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Pete's Pumpkin Patch Soda

Strangely, the website listed right on the front of the bottle is no longer active. There's not much information online on any history of this soda, but it is currently produced by Rocket Fizz. 

Opening this bottle is like heaven. I love pumpkin pie and all the beautiful spices that go in it. Taking a nice whiff off this bottle it smells like I'm inhaling lines of pure nutmeg grounds. It's oddly missing much flavor. I was expecting a bright flash of flavor across my tongue but there really isn't any. The spot on the tongue you want to wash it over to get any sense of flavor is on the sides of the back of your tongue. It dos have a nice amount of carbonation. All in all, it's a lot lighter than I expected but a nice fall drink.

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