Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Ginseng Up Cranberry

It's been a while since I added any new posts from Ginseng Up. You can read my previous post with a little about them here

The frosty red color of this drink with the black label makes it look attractive. I prefer glass bottled sodas when I can get them, but if you're going to use glass bottles why cheap out on these twist caps rather than use a true crown cap? Even twist-off crowns are better than the type on these bottles. I'd say the aroma given off from this drink is sort of like a mix of cranberry and pomegranate. It's scent is sweet and fresh like a fruit salad. Unfortunately, the flavor falls flat for me. The initial punch is very tart, nearly pucker inducing, but then you feel a finish that is quite tea-like. This finish is probably coming from the ginseng extract. Once that flavor evaporates from your taste buds the sourness felt earlier leaves you salivating. The good thing is that there is no lingering aftertaste. This choice isn't bad if you like sour candies, or super fruity natural flavors. Personally, I'd nurse it over a while, not to savor it but because of the intensity. 

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