Saturday, September 17, 2022

1893 Ginger Cola from Pepsi


Another selection from this 1893 series... 

This one has a very sharp aroma of ginger. A little like the smell of fresh cut cedar mixed with an antiseptic. It reminds of some very strong ginger beers I've had in the past. Though I often find ginger beers over powering the scent is enticing.

I would put the taste of this drink on par with a light ginger beer. As I've said, some ginger beers are very strong and leave your mouth burning. This one provides a little of that "heat" and is stronger than a ginger ale, but is lighter than those types of suffocating ginger beers. There's really almost no cola flavor though. If you wait long enough after a imbibing a mouthful the ginger starts to fade and the back of your tongue might pick up subtle notes of cola, but that's about it. So it's a strong one to be prepared for if you want to give it a try. 

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