Thursday, September 15, 2022

Coca-Cola Cinnamon


It only seemed fitting to review Coca-Cola Cinnamon after Pepsi Fire, which was Pepsi's attempt with cinnamon. 

The cinnamon scent is much weaker than expected upon opening. Is that because it is from a can rather than a bottle? I can't be sure, but could not locate this drink packaged in a bottle anywhere. Unlike Pepsi Fire, there is absolutely no heat felt from the cinnamon when tasting it. I immediately get a strong cinnamon taste as soon as it hits the front of my tongue. That cinnamon taste dissipates quickly though, and quickly tastes more like furniture polish. 

Mixed with some alcohol, it might be more popular in Nordic countries during the winter holidays since that reminds me just a little of the some of their more herb-like drinks.

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