Thursday, September 22, 2022

Mountain Dew Baja Gold

Another interesting flavor from Mountain Dew. This one, a bright yellow color, and named Baja Blast. 

This bottle has an intense sugary, candy-like odor. It's a very sweet pineapple flavor, but it's 'soda genealogy' as a descendant from Mountain Dew certainly lingers in the background. There's a tingly zest I can feel on the tongue which is reminiscent of classic Mountain Dew. Overall, I don't think it's terrible, but I tend not to want to finish drinks this cloying because they start to make me sick to my stomach after a bit. The label says, "Grab all the Baja flavors", but I didn't see any others at the store when I picked this up so I may have to hunt a little more to find them if they are still available. 

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