Saturday, January 21, 2023

Appalachian White Birch Beer

This soda comes from the Appalachian Brewing Company, a craft beer and soda brewer based in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. They operate several brew pubs in the state. They currently bottle five different soda flavors, but offer three more on tap at their locations. 

This bottle carries the smell of a fresh winter snow. Birch beers have a certain woodsy scent combined with that of a soft creaminess. The carbonation is just about right here. The thing I notice about the flavor is that the typical "birchiness" is kind of muted here and I taste a different kind of sweetness. Taking a look at the ingredients they list both cane sugar and honey. I wonder if that strange sweetness is imparted by the honey. Overall, I think this is an okay soda, but not great. I'll be interested to see if I can find any of their other flavors to try in the future. 

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