Friday, January 20, 2023

Sprite Winter Spiced Cranberry

Today I'm taking a taste of a Sprite varietal called Winter Spiced Cranberry. Yesterday's post delved into the history of Sprite, but like many sodas in the last several years, Sprite has introduced a host of flavor mash-ups under its brand name. 

While I rarely eat cranberries themselves, I do enjoy cranberry juice and the flavor of cranberry in other things so I have some high hopes for this one. This bottle has good carbonation but the scent is a little hard to place. I do smell the tiniest inkling of cranberry with a healthy whiff, but also some lemon. It's got a subtle flavor. The sides of my tongue pick up a tart berry flavor, but it feel more like a slight berry blend than straight cranberry. The rest gives me a cool winter-like feeling without being able to tell exactly what that flavor is, but reminds me of potpourri and not in an unpleasant way. Overall though, I think you might be better served just mixing actual cranberry juice with a bottle of regular Sprite and get more of that cranberry goodness. 

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