Thursday, January 19, 2023


The lemon-lime soda known as Sprite was born out of the Fanta brand in the late 1950's, in what was then West Germany. The dink was launched as Fanta Klare Zitrone (Fanta Clear Lemon) in 1959. If you recall from the original post on Fanta Orange, Fanta was a subsidiary brand of Coca-Cola. In 1961, Coca-Cola rebranded the drink as Sprite in the U.S. to better compete against 7 Up. 

The name itself comes directly from Coca-Cola advertising history. While Coca-Cola is often credited with creating the common depiction of Santa Claus, based on advertising beginning in 1931... there was another character associated with Coca-Cola year-round beginning in 1942, and created by the same artist. Sprite Boy was an elfin-like character depicted wearing either a bottlecap hat, or a soda jerk's cap. No advertising ever included Sprite Boy's body, just a disembodied head and hands. His image faded from use in 1958, but three years later a new lemon-lime flavored soda would bear his name. 

In 2022, after decades of being packaged in green glass and green plastic bottles, it was announced that the soda would change to clear bottles. This was stated to be due to the fact that green polyethylene cannot be recycled, a move that unfortunately means losing green glass bottles as well to maintain a consistent look. While Sprite is caffeine free, the standard Sprite flavor contains high fructose corn syrup. 

Something I can say for Sprite, is that it always has plenty of carbonation and a strong lime scent. However, as I've mentioned in some posts in the past, Sprite is not my favorite lemon-lime soda. I find it a touch too syrupy, sickeningly so if I drink too much of it. Don't get me wrong, it's a decent enough soda, but personally I prefer 7 Up. I do find lemon-lime sodas "lighter" than a cola or root beer and when you consider the citrus aspect of it I think they often go well with light meals or as a morning soda. 

Sprite Boy pictured on Coca-Cola sign

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