Monday, July 24, 2023

Jones Soda Root Beer

Truthfully I've had Jones Soda's root beer before. But it's been eons. Jones Sodas are not daily drinkers for me but I will pick up the odd flavor when I see one or if I'm grabbing a bite where they're sold and want something a little different. But since I hadn't had one of their root beers in ages and haven't posted it here I thought this would be as good a time as any. Similar to the Jones Soda I reviewed a short while ago, the bottle mentions its a product of Canada, so I'm wondering whether or not they moved bottling operations? 

This bottle has a sarsaparilla-like aroma. The cane sugar provides a smooth flavor and it has a decent level of carbonation. I'd say its a decent root beer, but I find the carbonation bubbles to be small. I'm used to great big carbonation bubbles in root beers, but that alone doesn't make it a bad root beer. the flavor doesn't linger long on the tongue after a swig. Additionally, I like a bit more creaminess in a root beer.

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