Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Sipp Sparkling Mojo Berry

This is the second flavor I've come across from Sipp, that specialize in organic sodas. The last one I reviewed can be found here. This 12oz bottle is sweetened with agave and boasts just 40 calories per bottle. 

I'm expecting something a little interesting here since they've combined blackberry, mint, lime, and agave syrup. Both the scent and color actually remind me of cranberry cocktail. It has a light carbonation level, but having just 40 calories may not be worth it after tasting. It's acerbic like wine and tastes like someone let a cup full of ice melt into some berry flavored Crystal Light. A swing and a miss to me personally, but I can imagine there's a contingent of calorie light beverages and wine day drinkers that may like it. 

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