Sunday, February 1, 2015

Live Kombucha Cola

So this is an interesting bottle I found recently. Live Soda was started in 2012 by a guy named Trevor Ross, who'd already created a line of nutrition bars. The goal being to create a healthier soda-like drink. The bottle intrigued me when I found it because it says it contains enzymes and probiotics and is certified organic. The enzymes and probiotics are intended to naturally aid your digestive tract. Now, honestly, I'd never heard of kombucha so I had to look this up. Kombucha is a tea drink made from either black or green tea fermented with yeast and helpful bacteria. The fermentation process of the tea also gives it a little bit of natural carbonation. There are lots of different attempts out there on grocery shelves of trying to make sodas better for your health, so lets see how this one is.

I will tell you right away that this stuff smells awful. I think the best way to describe it is the smell of stale beer and black tea. After getting a whiff of it I'm a little scared to even taste it. Firstly, although this is their cola flavor... I taste nothing that resembles cola. The drink itself has a lot of carbonation, fizzing a lot with each tip of the bottle. I've given this several sips now and have tried letting the flavor rest on my tongue but I just can't get past this taste. To be fair I've never been a fan of any kind of tea, be it black, green, iced, whatever. I'm sure it will probably do wonders for your digestion, but I simply can't recommend this unless you really like tea. I'm not against giving their other flavors a try however, I'm not going to be seen sitting around sipping this stuff.

1 comment:

Lauri_FL said...

Hello! I've never been a fan of cola, so I cannot comment on the Live Cola flavor, however the Live Rootbeer and Pure Doctor (like Dr. Pepper) flavors are really good! To put into context though, it has been a couple years since I have had my previously beloved Barq's, due to fitness goals, but the Live version is a great alternative!