Monday, September 4, 2017

Polly's Pop Cream Soda

Polly's Pop from Independence, Missouri is back on shelves but isn't a new name. Started in 1923 by Louis and Dorthea Compton, they sold 10 flavors. Louis was reportedly a friend of Harry Truman, an Independence native. Louis Compton ran the company until he retired in 1948 and his in-laws, Vernon and Vic Givan, continued on until the company shuttered in 1967.

Local lawyer, Ken McClain and his wife Cindy, resurrected the brand in August of 2016 in Independence. Since at least one report I read stated Mr. McClain used several chefs to create the flavors, 6 of which were for sale when they began, its probably safe to say the recipes aren't original and its more of a nostalgic label. In any case, they reportedly purchased their bottling equipment from Fitz's. Fitz's bottling company, another story, was based out of St. Louis. But some time around the late 1990's to 2000 they had another location in Kansas City's Union Station, which later closed. I remember visiting Fitz's in Union Station at that time to watch the bottling through the windows. 

There isn't a lot of carbonation but the scent is very strong from this soda. They use cane sugar in the current incarnation of Polly's. The flavor is like that of a rich vanilla ice cream so I definitely give them points for this recipe, but I don't have any way to compare to the original recipe. It's smooth and will make a great dessert beverage after a meal or at the end of a warm summer day.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Excellent review. Now I want to try it