Friday, March 1, 2019

Tree Fort Ginger Ale

I came across this bottle in a co-op grocery in Maple Plain, Minnesota, right outside Minneapolis. Tree Fort Soda is only a few years old, but is reportedly distributed to specialty shops like organic markets, delis and co-ops around the upper-Midwest. Tree Fort was brought to life by a teenage Eva Duckler, who with help from her brother David, got the company off the ground from the beginnings as a school project for Eva. What I find intriguing is how their website mentions tasting soda as kids the way adults tasted wine. This is was very much my impression growing up as I mention throughout some of my posts pairings for some of these sodas. They claim to use all natural juices and extracts, that and cane sugar are things I'd expect from a boutique beverage company.

The ginger scent from this bottle is a pungent punch in the face. There's adequate carbonation that keeps bubbling up after opening, re-effervescing with each swig. Gladly the flavor is light. Some ginger ale's tend to border on the spice of ginger beer, and I was worried that might be the case after smelling. This ginger ale, however, is lighter than it's appearance or scent may forebode, but heavier than say Canada Dry. It makes a good palate cleanser and would probably make one heck of a Moscow Mule, if you're into those.

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