Saturday, May 4, 2019

Star Wars Space Punch

I picked this can up a while back when The Last Jedi was released, but had forgotten about it in the back of my fridge until now. I'll be pretty honest, I don't expect great flavor experiences from these kinds of "collector" cans/bottles because that's not what their marketing is about. I'm not even really sure who made it, some company called Drink Department One US Inc., which is apparently a division of Drink Department One in Germany. The can looks nice though and has an interesting textured finish. 

The smell has a sort of wheat-like smell. This is not a good drink. It has one of those weird energy drink tastes, yet has no caffeine. I think some of that bizarre flavor may come from the blueberry and blackberry listed in the ingredients, but there are other juices listed in the ingredients I can't taste. While not a good tasting beverage by my standards it was an interesting try.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

How very interesting ! Looks and taste like an energy drink but with no kick. Thats werid