Monday, March 4, 2024

7 Up Tropical

Everyone is releasing the flavor varietals these days, whether they are limited editions or permanent, including 7 Up. This bottle gave a nice crack of gas upon opening and the aroma of peaches. I wouldn't normally consider something "tropical" peachy. When I think of "tropical" I think of citrus or melon. I guess that slice on the label is supposed to be a slice of peach. This drink does taste peach-like, but not as strong of a peach flavor as those drinks I've had actually labeled as a peach soda. I'm picking up no lemon-lime, which begs the question I've been asking for decades... at what point does it become a different product? As an example, once you start putting pretzels in an M&M, is it really still an M&M? So I'd ask, in what way is this 7 Up? It's a decent soda. No real wow factor to speak of, but nice enough to drink. It would probably be nicer on a hot summer day though. 

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