The soda has a pinkish-red color but I smell nothing from the top of the can. A first sip makes me reel a little. The taste is very pungent, much more so than the Japanese watermelon ramune I tasted just a short while ago. This has Fanta's candy-like fruit flavoring all over it. Its made with high-fructose corn syrup as is typical for countries where Fanta can get away with it in place of real sugar. If you really dig watermelon or you want a watermelon hard candy in a can to drink this is for you.
Tuesday, March 25, 2025
Fanta Watermelon
Monday, March 24, 2025
Gross Gus's Pimple Pop
The smell is reminiscent of coconut. It tastes sort of creamy, but not like a cream soda. It's very sugary tasting. I tried to place what the taste was in my mind and was avoiding searching the label for a hint. In the end, my eyes wandered and I located the words "marsmallow soda" printed up the side. I hope that spelling is intentional, but it really does taste like marshmallow. For a novelty flavored soda they've really nailed this flavor and yet it's not a sickening flavor like so many of the novelty sodas are. This one is actually drinkable, even if very sweet to the taste.
Sunday, March 23, 2025
Mountain Dew Citrus Blackberry
Saturday, March 22, 2025
Mountain Dew Citrus Cherry
Friday, March 21, 2025
Bazooka Bubble Gum Soda
Thursday, March 20, 2025
Canada Dry Black Cherry Ginger Ale
Wednesday, March 19, 2025
Red Rock Frambuesa
Tuesday, March 18, 2025
Dublin Texas Root Beer
Sunday, March 16, 2025
Dry Cucumber
I've never had a cucumber soda to my recollection, but I imagine this will approximate something like carbonated cucumber water found in spas or nail salons. It takes a moment after opening and a very strong whiff, but it does smell like freshly sliced cucumber. After a draw off the bottle, I think it's quite like a cucumber that hasn't yet full ripened. I can get used to the cucumber melon flavor from Gatorade because the melon sweetens and mellows the cucumber flavor, but this bottle is strong. That's actually saying something for a drink from Dry because I've always felt flavors, I have tasted from them in the past were far too weak. This one has a punch, unfortunately I think you need to be a bigger fan of cucumbers to enjoy it. I understand there are some alcoholic cocktails that use cucumber water so this may also be of use for those.