Thursday, November 7, 2024

Sour Puss Fruit Punch

The team at Avery Beverages has a few flavors they've named Sour Puss. I'm not a big fan of sour anything, but willing to give it a taste for the sake of science. I find little in the way of a scent from this drink. If anything I might describe it's smell similar to that of cherry cough syrup. While I've had some sour sodas in the past, this might be one of the most sour I can remember. I would describe this as the equivalent of making a soda out of Sour Patch Kids candy. Luckily the tartness doesn't linger too long. The initial swig doesn't do much, but give it a second and then you feel the puckering punch. I can imagine this is a hit with kids that seem to be really into all the sour candies these days. Not bad overall, but not something you drink with a meal or for refreshment. 

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