Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Reed's Harvest Spiced Apple Cider

Reed's began business back in 1987 and is mostly focused on ginger-based drinks, such as ginger ale and ginger beer. It makes sense then that this Harvest Spiced Apple Cider contains ginger as well.

With a quick look, you can clearly observe fruit or ginger pulp in the drink. It's labeled as containing 60% juice, which is far more than your usual sodas in America. I find that it's quite heavily carbonated but whereas I was expecting the scent of crisp apple cider, instead it smells heavily of pumpkin. Imagine opening a can of Libby's pumpkin puree to make a pumpkin pie and getting a good whiff of it and you'll be able to experience what this smells like. To be honest, it's so full of spices that I really don't get an apple cider taste profile. What I pick up is more akin to pumpkin, nutmeg, cloves, and a very tiny touch of cinnamon which leads me to argue that this is much more like a drinkable pumpkin pie than any apple cider I've known. It's not bad but it's quite unique. It would be interesting to try tasting this warmed up, but that may have to wait until I find a new bottle next autumn. 

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