Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Flathead Lake Blueberry Pomegranate

Flathead Lake Gourmet Soda is a line with several flavors produced by the North American Beverage Company. NAB has only been around since 1993 so there's not much more to share. They also produce a chocolate mousse drink, strawberry milk, as well as bottled cappuccino and chai teas.

This bottle smells like the old cough syrup, Dimetapp. The mixture of scents tried to conceal the pomegranate, but isn't necessarily that of blueberry. It's very lightly carbonated. The flavor is quite a strange mixture and does indeed taste like a sort of medicine to me. It tastes of several berry flavors, including blueberry and cranberry and the pomegranate finally shows up in the after-taste. I'm going to have to suggest passing on this.

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