The soda has a pinkish-red color but I smell nothing from the top of the can. A first sip makes me reel a little. The taste is very pungent, much more so than the Japanese watermelon ramune I tasted just a short while ago. This has Fanta's candy-like fruit flavoring all over it. Its made with high-fructose corn syrup as is typical for countries where Fanta can get away with it in place of real sugar. If you really dig watermelon or you want a watermelon hard candy in a can to drink this is for you.
Tuesday, March 25, 2025
Fanta Watermelon
Monday, March 24, 2025
Gross Gus's Pimple Pop
The smell is reminiscent of coconut. It tastes sort of creamy, but not like a cream soda. It's very sugary tasting. I tried to place what the taste was in my mind and was avoiding searching the label for a hint. In the end, my eyes wandered and I located the words "marsmallow soda" printed up the side. I hope that spelling is intentional, but it really does taste like marshmallow. For a novelty flavored soda they've really nailed this flavor and yet it's not a sickening flavor like so many of the novelty sodas are. This one is actually drinkable, even if very sweet to the taste.
Sunday, March 23, 2025
Mountain Dew Citrus Blackberry
Saturday, March 22, 2025
Mountain Dew Citrus Cherry
Friday, March 21, 2025
Bazooka Bubble Gum Soda
Thursday, March 20, 2025
Canada Dry Black Cherry Ginger Ale
Wednesday, March 19, 2025
Red Rock Frambuesa
Tuesday, March 18, 2025
Dublin Texas Root Beer
Sunday, March 16, 2025
Dry Cucumber
I've never had a cucumber soda to my recollection, but I imagine this will approximate something like carbonated cucumber water found in spas or nail salons. It takes a moment after opening and a very strong whiff, but it does smell like freshly sliced cucumber. After a draw off the bottle, I think it's quite like a cucumber that hasn't yet full ripened. I can get used to the cucumber melon flavor from Gatorade because the melon sweetens and mellows the cucumber flavor, but this bottle is strong. That's actually saying something for a drink from Dry because I've always felt flavors, I have tasted from them in the past were far too weak. This one has a punch, unfortunately I think you need to be a bigger fan of cucumbers to enjoy it. I understand there are some alcoholic cocktails that use cucumber water so this may also be of use for those.
Saturday, March 15, 2025
Dr. Wells
Friday, March 14, 2025
Twig's Sour
While "sour" could mean many things I assumed this means something like a lemon-sour flavor. The scent when opening the bottle is indeed lemon-like. It has a decent level of carbonation and it's certainly pucker-inducing. I'd venture to say this is almost like carbonating a bottle of lemon juice extract or dissolving a pouch full of lemonhead candies into a soda. Its tasty, but I often find that sour flavors like this leave me feeling thirsty afterwards and I need some water to quench that thirst. I think kids that like sour candies would enjoy this one.
Thursday, March 13, 2025
Foxon Park Gassosa
When uncapped, I get a light lemon scent. The soda is effervescent with delicate carbonation. Each and every tip of the bottle releases a tiny roar of bubbles rising to the surface inside the bottle. The lemon taste is slight, not overpowering. "Gassosa" is a type of lightly lemon flavored Italian drink, sometimes used as a mixer. It lives up to its name because it does provide a slight bitter bite to it but not pucker inducing. It's very much like a faint tasting lemon ice.
Wednesday, March 12, 2025
Hosmer Mountain Sarsaparilla
An old-world scent of sarsaparilla wafts out of the bottle. The carbonation is adequate but I prefer a lot more from my sarsaparillas and root beers. It's a good, but average tasting sarsaparilla. I'd recommend giving it a try if you find it, but that doesn't mean it's knocking my socks off. That said, I'd like to try some of their other flavors in the future.
Tuesday, March 11, 2025
Jones Soda Pineapple Cream
Monday, March 10, 2025
It's an attractive looking bottle at just a quarter-liter, or about 8.5 ounces. The pleasant orange aroma is not unlike the other orange cola sodas tested previously. Carbonation levels are light. I find this flavor a pretty even mix between the orange and cola, however I think the orange tastes more like orange juice than an orange soda which is interesting. It also doesn't leave much of an aftertaste. All in all its not unpleasant but not surprisingly great either. It's a fresh option and I'd recommend giving it a taste if you are lucky enough to come across it on your journeys.
Sunday, March 9, 2025
Australian Style Hot Ginger Ale
Saturday, March 8, 2025
Tomomasu Watermelon
Uncapping this tiny "grenade" style bottle unleashes a healthy watermelon scent. It literally smells like a fresh cut slice of watermelon under my nose. It has ample carbonation and the watermelon is just right for my liking. It's light handed and I think making fruit flavors in soda is something the Japanese always seem to do so well. They have a knack for really nailing authentic fruit flavors unlike the candy-like fruit flavors made in the U.S. This one is nice because while you get a good sense of the watermelon flavor it doesn't linger in your mouth making you sick 5 minutes later. The lightness of it makes is close to those fruit flavored sparkling waters, save for the fact that this contains high fructose corn syrup. I like the bottle as well. These little "grenades" always take me back to my childhood drinking Canada Dry from their little green hand-sized bottles. I'll keep on the look out from other flavors from Tomomasu to taste since this is the first time I've had one of their drinks.
Friday, March 7, 2025
Q Kola
The carbonation is average in intensity with fine aeration bubbles similar to what you might see in a champagne glass, while the cola aroma is light. The flavor gives green tea vibes... similar to some of the colas I've had in the past with green tea or a mixture of various herbs. It tastes of a touch of cinnamon and maybe coriander. With further inspection of the label I wasn't too far off. They list cinnamon, cloves, coriander, lemon, lime, orange, and nutmeg in addition to kola nut as ingredients. Noticeably they use organic agave as their sweetener.
Thursday, March 6, 2025
Dr Pepper Creamy Coconut
It doesn't smell that different from run of the mill Dr Pepper. I had imagined it smelling like some kind of pina colada. Oof!!! The first sip hit me like a truck. Plenty of carbonation in the drink but this "creamy coconut" flavor of theirs is so heavy handed. You can still pick up some of the traditional blend of Dr Pepper flavor but it tastes and feels like I'm drinking hand lotion. Thank goodness this is a limited edition. I appreciate the desire to experiment but this is a big swing and a miss in my own opinion. I think to enjoy this you'd really have to love coconut.
Wednesday, March 5, 2025
Caruso's Maraschino Cherry Cola
Tuesday, March 4, 2025
Country Club Raspberry
This particular bottle doesn't give off much of a scent. The taste is overly sweet and very much like drinking pure syrup. The raspberry flavor comes through but I find that the syrupiness hides what otherwise might be a more enjoyable beverage. I do wonder why we don't see more raspberry flavored sodas on the market though.
Coca-Cola Orange Cream
I didn't even have to put my nose close to the bottle to pick up a strong cream scent when I cracked the cap off. I'm not getting too much citrus from the scent, but the creaminess comes across strongly. The taste is interesting because unlike some of Coca-Cola's other flavor combos I can still taste the cola well. Then I taste a vanilla cream flavor but it's a much better level than the vanilla flavoring in Coca-Cola Vanilla. Somewhere in there I get a faint orange taste, but it gets quickly overcome by a cream flavor again. Washing it over the side of my tongue gives me a touch more of the orange flavor. I think it might be one of their more complex flavor combinations but I still find it to be a bit of a novelty and I wonder what sort of food this would pair well with, if anything.
Monday, March 3, 2025
Jones Soda Zero Calorie Pomegranate
Sunday, March 2, 2025
Fanta Lemon
Cracking open the can reveals a familiar citric acidity. It is tart like lemon juice, but the sugars take the bite off of it so it is not unpleasant. Think, fresh squeezed lemonade with a good deal of sugar. I think it's quite tasty, but then I also like a number of grapefruit and citrus sodas.
Saturday, March 1, 2025
Boots Dewberry
Mountain Dew Infinite Swirl
Thursday, February 27, 2025
Dr Pepper Blackberry
Wednesday, February 26, 2025
Dr Pepper Dark Berry
Taking a good draw from the straw, I can still taste the "Dr Pepper-iness" but it has a sort of blend of black berries and blackcurrants. I wonder if this drink could be approximated at home by mixing some Dr Pepper and Ribena? They tell me this flavor is only offered seasonally, but personally I think they'd be smart to try bottling and selling it permanently in stores. It's a much better flavor than their strawberries and cream, which is already found in many grocery stores.
Dr Pepper Museum
Reed's Harvest Spiced Apple Cider
Diabolo Mint Lemonade French Soda
It seems to me that even though multiple flavors of Diabolo sodas are still sold online and in stores, but the URL on the can seems like it may no longer be in use, so I'm not sure what the story is there. Diabolo is a term for a type of non-alcoholic mixed drink made with flavored syrup and soda water in France, but in this case is used here as a brand name.
It boasts no caffeine and has just 60 calories for a 16oz can, with 14g of sugar and 4g of something called erythritol. I was unfamiliar with erythritol but found that is a sugar alcohol used as a sugar substitute. It is made from corn using fermentation and enzymes to create a chemical similar to sugar with fewer calories. However, the FDA, advises caution regarding the intake of erythritol over concerns that it may cause nausea and digestive issues in some people and increased risk of cardiovascular issues or strokes.
The drink carries a strong minty scent. The carbonation isn't strong here and I feel like the mint taste is far too strong for the beverage. This is more like a cold mint tea because it really masks almost any sense of lemon. All in all, this drink isn't my particular cup of tea but clearly someone out there feels differently.
Tuesday, February 25, 2025
Boots Sarsaparilla Root Beer
The smell of the sarsaparilla is strong with this bottle. It has an old world essence as well, which invokes a sort of oaken barrel image in my mind. It has an earthier flavor. I'm used to seeing bottles labeled as either sarsaparilla or root beer but this is the first one I can recollect being called "sarsaparilla root beer". I think the flavor falls more in line with old-style drinks like sarsaparillas and even birch beers than the more modern "root beer" labels most think of. In any event, I find it has a crisp leading edge then a mellow and long lasting creamy finish and aftertaste. Definitely worth a try if you come across it like I did down in Texas.
Monday, February 24, 2025
North Star Craft Soda Black Cherry
Sunday, February 23, 2025
WBC Black Cherry
This is a heft 16oz bottle and it provides a rich black cherry aroma when opening. I'd say this bottle provides an average level of carbonation. As far as black cherry sodas go, it's ok. I've certainly had better, but I will say it's very smooth, probably owing partially to using real sugar rather than high fructose corn syrup or artificial sweeteners. However, beware that a full 16oz serving contains 60 grams of sugar. It does taste a bit "old-worldly" as though it was poured from a wood barrel, so it's got that going for it.
Saturday, February 22, 2025
Perfy Tropical Citrus
My first whiff of this soda reminds me of pineapple. It's very fruity with an overall pineapple forward taste. The carbonation is weak and I think the addition of the dietary supplements mentioned earlier have a distinct effect on the flavor. While it doesn't taste like fruity tea, there's a leafy, tea-like quality lingering in the finish and I wonder if that is caused by the L-Theanine or just my imagination. Certainly, the tumeric is in play but it isn't overshadowing. While there are certainly better tasting "traditional" fruit blend sodas, the health trade offs of imbibing a drink like this with lower sugar, sodium, and overall calories would seem to offset that. And it's much better tasting than any of the pre- or pro-biotic sodas I've had to date. It should probably come in 12 packs at a more competitive price point though if they plan to challenge traditional sodas. Definitely worth a try if you find it in stock near you.
The Monkees Banana Nut Soda
While the bottle has a banana scent, it's that sickeningly artificial banana candy scent, so I'm already dreading what this may taste like. It has a forward flavor like that of the banana in Runts fruit candy. The banana disappears rather quickly I find and turns over to a nuttier flavor. Unfortunately, it then leaves a brief, unpleasant sensation in the back of the throat. Once this is gone there is a long standing nutty after taste. Let's chalk this one up to another of Rocket Fizz's cheap novelty drinks.