The scent is a little hard to place. It has notes of cherry and grape and something else sweet almost like a licorice but not licorice, maybe gummy bear-like. It's certainly an explosion of tastes. A quick swig has my taste buds all over the place. I do get a cherry-like flavor, a touch of lemon, and I'm picturing those white grape gummy candies in that order as it crosses my palate. No real taste of anything close to a bread, though these fruity/candy-like flavors start a little dark and heavy and become lighter as it finishes in the mouth. It's a perplexing flavor combination I'd recommend trying just for the novelty.
Saturday, December 31, 2022
Mountain Dew Fruit Quake
Saturday, December 24, 2022
Mountain Dew Gingerbread Snap'd
Friday, December 9, 2022
Dragon Tail Energy Lightning Cola with Tea
The scent of tea is the first thing you get when opening this bottle, along with a hint of something close to cinnamon. The color is a rich brown you expect from cola and it has adequate but not strong carbonation. How do I describe this flavor? There is a touch of cola in it, that's true. But you also pick up a taste of green tea as well as earthy tones like you get when smelling the inside of an old antique furniture shop or opening an old Chinese armoire. It's an interesting flavor, but definitely not something I'd personally consider sitting around sipping on, let alone ever enjoying with a meal.
Friday, November 4, 2022
Coca-Cola Orange Vanilla
It does not smell like Coca-Cola. It actually smells like an orange-cream pop. I don't find the flavor very pleasing. The initial taste is that of an orange creamsicle but then then Coca-Cola flavor mixes in and overwhelms the orange-vanilla. Lastly, it ends in a dry chemical-like flavor on my tongue.
Monday, October 31, 2022
Mountain Dew Voo Dew Mystery Flavor 2022
The scent from the bottle is reminiscent of raspberry to me. There's a hint of citrus hiding behind that raspberry I'm picking up. Indeed, the flavor of it is very much like you might expect from a blue raspberry soda, but it has a tartness in the finish like a lemon or grapefruit. It isn't unpleasant and might even make a decent regular flavor option despite it being a limited edition.
Friday, October 14, 2022
Mountain Dew Overdrive
The color is just a bit more orange than Code Red. The bottle doesn't actually say "Casey's" anywhere. The only clue to that might be a tiny barn image at the bottom which appears to be on a green bottle. This barn doesn't say "Casey's" but says "1968". I was quite confused at first because the font looked like it read "1%8" until I looked very closely. Still, the funny thing about that is some sites online state the company began in 1959, while Casey's own website says they began in Boone, Iowa in 1968.
Some slight as to what the flavor might be appear on the label. Next to the orange gorilla-like creature on the label is a lime and a raspberry. Though elsewhere it says "Dew with a blast of Citrus Punch". It does, in fact, smell like a bit of regular Mountain Dew mixed with fruit punch. Unfortunately, I find the flavor lacking. It's a bit like a weaker version of Code Red. It really leaves you wanting something with a bit punchier flavor to it, a real let down considering many of the livelier flavors coming out of Mountain Dew.
Monday, October 10, 2022
Brownie Caramel Cream Root Beer
You can get a good good snort of that root beer and vanilla scent from the bottle top, pushed by ample rising carbonation bubbles. This soda gives a pleasant blend of rich flavors. A good swig gives a strong root beer flavor, which is followed by a swift vanilla cream taste. It's then finished with a caramel aftertaste. I can imagine in the soda landscape in the mid-20th century this was a pretty original treat to drink.
Sunday, October 9, 2022
Jones Soda Icee Cherry
A promising amount of carbonation with a crack of the twist top. The sugary sweet cherry candy smell rises off the top of this bottle reminds me of a Bomb Pop popsicle. It's got a strange taste though. The cherry is close to being that of a black cherry soda, and it's actually not as sugary as I anticipated. Rather than being saccharine it's actually quite tart. When I think of a frozen Icee it is the opposite, very sugary and not tart. Maybe Jones missed a bit with the cherry flavor they were trying to create. It isn't terrible, but it isn't an Icee in my mind, or perhaps they were working from Icee syrup rather than the flavor of an Icee with all the ice thinning the flavor.
Saturday, October 8, 2022
Kazouza 1941 Lemon Mint
Friday, October 7, 2022
Kazouza 1941 Apple
A nice release of gas when cracking open the bottle always portends well. The aroma is sort of like a crisp Fuji apple. The drink itself has a very light, pale coloring. The carbonation is quite evident when tipping back a bottle. The apple flavoring is also light and dissipates quickly after taking a healthy swig. It's a pretty middling apple soda as far as taste is concerned, but it remains refreshing.
Thursday, October 6, 2022
Pepsi Soda Shop Cream Soda Cola
The bottle carries a hefty cream smell, very vanilla. Unfortunately, as taste goes, I feel the cream flavoring is too heavy handed. It masks any cola flavor and has a strong sugary taste. This might be something you can handle from a 12 ounce can, but something this sugary sweet will get sickening by the time you get halfway through a 20 ounce bottle.
Wednesday, October 5, 2022
Mountain Dew Thrashed Apple
Tuesday, October 4, 2022
Chocolate-Covered Maple Smoked Bacon Soda
When I opened this bottle my nose was no where near the cap, yet I immediately sensed a small smell of chocolate. I whiff near the nose of the bottle gives the same smell you get when ripping open a pack of that powdered hot chocolate mix. The smell of the chocolate powder is intense enough that it covers pretty much any other scents, but quaffing it enough I can sense a slight maple syrup scent. Ok the flavor is a mélange of senses that kind of confuse my brain for a moment. A swig immediately gives off the taste of cocoa, followed shortly by the taste of maple syrup. It's the aftertaste that later gives a flash of burnt chocolate that then subsides into the taste of bacon. It's an interesting feat to have all these combined in one bottle like this. While it's not something I'm going to sit around and sip on everyday, the novelty and chaos it provides the taste buds is enough that I'd recommend trying it once if you see a bottle somewhere.
Monday, October 3, 2022
Cicero Beverage Co. Caramel Apple
This drink smells of candied apples alright, like a sweet hard candy version. The more I inhale it the more I pick up the faint notes of caramel. Whether that translates into the taste is yet to be seen. That first swig is a punch. It's quite sour, but I think the taste is much more like candied apples than caramel apples. There's little carbonation, but it's clearly visible. It's just not very appetizing, perhaps that is why their web domain is no longer in use.
Sunday, October 2, 2022
Canada Dry Ginger Ale and Lemonade
There isn't much in the way of an aroma from this can but a bit of light ginger ale. In all openness I've had this flavor many times before. Aside from the ginger ale flavor there's this sourness from the lemonade that mixes really well with ginger ale. I recall the first time I saw this at the store and thought it sounded like a bizarre mixture and was surprised by how well it worked. I actually find the sourness of the lemonade makes this particular soda almost addictive. I find I often feel thirsty even after quickly finishing a can. But it is a tasty drink and I'd recommend it for anyone that also enjoys ginger ale.
Saturday, October 1, 2022
Sprecher Maple Root Beer
At first whiff, it simply has a mild root beer scent. The ingredients list actual maple syrup. It's a rich, flavorful root beer for sure. My taste buds are seeking a sweet maple syrup, but I don't sense it. However, the after taste gives that sugary, syrupy essence you get after eating waffles with maple syrup. In fact, it almost feels sticky like syrup. While there's cane sugar and maple syrup in this bottle, there is no caffeine, but a walloping 266 calories per bottle.
Friday, September 30, 2022
Hippo Size Jumbo Root Beer
Thursday, September 29, 2022
Oogave Root Beer
Wednesday, September 28, 2022
Private Selection Irish Cream Soda
Tuesday, September 27, 2022
Pepsi Wild Cherry
What I'm most excited about was that I was able to find this in a glass bottle. As mentioned in the original Pepsi post, it's much harder to find Pepsi in glass bottles than Coke products, though a lot of that is due to infiltration of so-called "Mexican Coke". So it was something of a small victory for me when I found this.
Most of these well-known flavors from already popular brands don't really need a taste review since most people know what they taste like. This bottle has a light cherry scent, carried by heavy carbonation. The carbonation consists of pleasantly tiny bubbles, unlike some of the big bubbles you often get from soda fountains. It's been a long time since I tasted Pepsi Wild Cherry... and it's a more subtly cherry flavor than I remember, and I like it.
Monday, September 26, 2022
Mountain Dew Black Label
The smell from the can is very faint, but a little bit like berry, which the can describes as the flavor. However, my mind keeps seeing this black can and almost wants it to be a black licorice flavor out of my sheer curiosity of what that might taste like in a soda. The drink is dark purple in color, and the taste is like a raspberry and blueberry lemonade. There is not a strong sour bite, but it does seem a tiny bit like lemon. Half way through the ingredients, orange juice concentrate is listed. This is probably what is adding that twinge of citrus flavor. I'd give this a middling grade. It's a decent drink but might benefit from more carbonation. It's a decent flavor to mix up your day if you're looking for something a little different.
Sunday, September 25, 2022
Boylan Shirley Temple
This particular soda does have an air of cherry to it. This soda may be the closest thing to that original description I've ever had. It does indeed taste of a light ginger taste and has a smooth grenadine essence. The finish is also just a touch sour. Traditional grenadine syrup was made from pomegranate, but some used in bars may also use cherries or be artificially flavored. Overall, not a bad soda. If they hadn't used cane sugar and instead used high-fructose corn syrup it would probably be too sugary. This edges right on that line.
Saturday, September 24, 2022
Private Selection Creamy Ginger Root Beer
I find that it has plenty of carbonation. The bizarre thing to me, as I hold it under my nose, is the smell. It smells like a jar of Vick's VapoRub. Something about this combination of flavors has created a scent that makes my brain immediately imagine that oily mentholatum rub. The flavor is strange as well. When it hits my mouth I pick up the creamy sort of taste you'd expect from a cream soda. But it quickly switches to an aromatic blend of root beer and ginger. This after taste makes me think it isn't the cream flavoring but the unique mix of ginger and root beer providing that methol-like smell. I don't particularly care for the taste, but it's so uniquely bizarre.
Friday, September 23, 2022
Hank's Gourmet Grape Soda
Always nice to hear a crisp release of pressure when cracking open a bottle. I'm getting a level of carbonation, which helps the flavor dance across the tongue. I'll say that I usually have high expectations of quality from anything called "gourmet", and really how "gourmet" can it be if it's in most of the stores of a huge grocery chain? The taste is grape, yes, but it's a taste that dies off quickly in your mouth and becomes more like raisin. You could do worse, but is it something I'm going to look forward to getting more of? No, not really. Its a middling grape soda.
Thursday, September 22, 2022
Mountain Dew Baja Gold
This bottle has an intense sugary, candy-like odor. It's a very sweet pineapple flavor, but it's 'soda genealogy' as a descendant from Mountain Dew certainly lingers in the background. There's a tingly zest I can feel on the tongue which is reminiscent of classic Mountain Dew. Overall, I don't think it's terrible, but I tend not to want to finish drinks this cloying because they start to make me sick to my stomach after a bit. The label says, "Grab all the Baja flavors", but I didn't see any others at the store when I picked this up so I may have to hunt a little more to find them if they are still available.
Wednesday, September 21, 2022
Mountain Dew Major Melon
I won't say it doesn't smell like melon, it does... but it's sort of like a watermelon blended with a bit of berry. It does have a decent watermelon taste. As with many things cold and watermelon flavored it makes for a nice summer refresher. Again, I wish it had a little more carbonation, but I enjoy the artwork on the bottle and the color of the drink.
Tuesday, September 20, 2022
Mountain Dew Flamin' Hot
Well it doesn't smell much different than classic Mountain Dew. There's no taste of ginger or cinnamon, and I can't see an ingredient that spells out what they've added, but sure enough there's a heat that warms the through and back of the mouth from this. It kind of boggles my mind why anyone would enjoy drinking this even if you like spicy foods, but there it is.
Monday, September 19, 2022
Mountain Dew Spark
It does have a fruity lemonade scent. Drinking it, I can say that there isn't very much raspberry in the flavor, just a very tiny hint. It tastes like a spiked Mountain Dew at the front. Once it washes to the back of the tongue I pick up that sort of sour lemonade flavor you expect from fresh squeezed. Overall, it isn't terrible, perhaps a bit too sweet like many of the flavors Mountain Dew has tried. I wish it had a bit more carbonation though.
Sunday, September 18, 2022
1893 Original Cola from Pepsi
So this particular can describes a "dark brown malt flavor" as well as "a touch of aromatic bitters", both of which are already giving me some ideas of what to expect. Of the flavors in this 1893 series this one has that smell of Pepsi cola. I would not say it has a very malt-like taste. However, the bitters a very forward but not too strong. It does conjure an "old-world" feel to it. I think this would be a really nice permanent flavor.
Saturday, September 17, 2022
1893 Ginger Cola from Pepsi
This one has a very sharp aroma of ginger. A little like the smell of fresh cut cedar mixed with an antiseptic. It reminds of some very strong ginger beers I've had in the past. Though I often find ginger beers over powering the scent is enticing.
I would put the taste of this drink on par with a light ginger beer. As I've said, some ginger beers are very strong and leave your mouth burning. This one provides a little of that "heat" and is stronger than a ginger ale, but is lighter than those types of suffocating ginger beers. There's really almost no cola flavor though. If you wait long enough after a imbibing a mouthful the ginger starts to fade and the back of your tongue might pick up subtle notes of cola, but that's about it. So it's a strong one to be prepared for if you want to give it a try.
Friday, September 16, 2022
1893 Citrus Cola from Pepsi
I do find the packaging of this series very nice. An elegant touch in tall, slim cans for a craft experience. Interestingly, they chose orange for the color of this Citrus Cola can, which made me think it would be imbued with an orange flavor, but the can mentions grapefruit essence. I do quite like that the label states the ingredients are Fair Trade Certified though. Opening the can does reveal a grapefruit-like aroma. Though the can does not mention cane sugar, based on the softness of this I think it may in fact use cane sugar rather than high fructose corn syrup. Cane sugar being far superior in my opinion and often, I find, giving a softer sweetness. What I like about this is how rounded the overall taste is. There is no overt cola flavor and yet the fruitiness is light and unassuming. You'd be forgiven for even believing this was a cola drink at all, let alone something from Pepsi. So far it has my endorsement and makes me look forward to some of the other flavors in this series.
Thursday, September 15, 2022
Coca-Cola Cinnamon
The cinnamon scent is much weaker than expected upon opening. Is that because it is from a can rather than a bottle? I can't be sure, but could not locate this drink packaged in a bottle anywhere. Unlike Pepsi Fire, there is absolutely no heat felt from the cinnamon when tasting it. I immediately get a strong cinnamon taste as soon as it hits the front of my tongue. That cinnamon taste dissipates quickly though, and quickly tastes more like furniture polish.
Mixed with some alcohol, it might be more popular in Nordic countries during the winter holidays since that reminds me just a little of the some of their more herb-like drinks.
Pepsi Fire
Now that I've finally got a post up on regular Pepsi, I can turn some attention to some of their interesting flavor combinations.
Coke may have released a Coca-Cola Cinnamon flavor, but Pepsi was a little more inventive with their take on a cinnamon cola by naming theirs Pepsi Fire, invoking some of that heat that cinnamon can bring. Side note... unlike many spices and herbs used in food, cinnamon is actually the ground bark of a bushy evergreen tree grown in southeast Asia, primarily in Sri Lanka. It's a little humorous to me that these companies are now experimenting with cinnamon and cola. When I was a kid I would experiment with drink concoctions in our kitchen, often adding cinnamon. Though I do not think there is any actual cinnamon spice added to this, but probably more to do with some artificial flavors.
It's got that sweet cinnamon scent I like. I don't actually feel any heat from this in my mouth. There's a tiny tingle well after taking a drink, but nothing like I would expect from something with Fire in its name. The more I drink of it I do get a little better sense for it and it grows a small bit. The smell and taste seem very reminiscent of an alcoholic beverage with ginger. In fact, I bet someone who enjoys a variety of cocktails or ginger beer would probably find this to be an adequate mixer.
Wednesday, September 14, 2022
Pepsi Blue
Pepsi Blue was originally sold in the early 2000's but was re-released for a limited time last year when I tossed this bottle in the fridge. Thankfully, despite the plastic bottle it seems to have held its carbonization pressure just fine. Pepsi Blue is a "berry" flavored soda.
It smells of a blend of blueberry and raspberry. Having tasted a number of different berry flavored sodas over the years I can see why this flavor didn't last as anything more than a novelty. It's overly sugary to begin with, but the "berry" flavor rings both unnatural but too front forward as well. It probably doesn't help matters that human brains aren't readily prepared for foods that are such a shade of blue outside of some candies for kids.
Mountain Dew Dew.S.A
This blended drink turns out to have a berry-like smell, while the purple color makes you think more along the lines of a grape. The actual taste does feel like a mix of the mentioned flavors rather than a totally new drink. I might even imagine if a kid at a soda fountain filled their cup with each of those it would probably taste a lot like this. I was struggling for a bit with how to describe this but I think the best way to explain this flavor is like if you had a blueberry and raspberry sno-cone and drank the last of the syrup at the bottom of the cone, very sugary.
Aaaannnndd... now I'm seeing that I actually posted about this flavor once before. Reviewing my previous post is interesting because I think I came about pretty much the same conclusion each time. I'll try not to make this mistake again.
Tuesday, September 13, 2022
Jones Soda Crushed Melon
Jones makes a splashy return to the blog with another special release flavor, this time in the form of Crushed Melon, no mention of what kind of melon. The first Jones appearance was back in 2010 with this entry.
This one gives the aroma of a ripe, overly sugary, cantaloupe. There's plenty of carbonation. It might be the citric acid in the drink, but I get a sharper taste on the back of the tongue that I don't usually get from drinks with cane sugar, even the citrus flavored ones. It's not an unpleasant drink. I think most folks might tire of the flavor by the end of a bottle. This is another flavor I think should have been seen on shelves at the beginning of the summer rather than appearing at the end of the season. Give it a try if you come across a bottle.
Monday, September 12, 2022
Sipp Sparkling Summer Pear
Sipp does not have a long or detailed history, but had some interesting flavor combinations released a little while ago. It seems they have already shifted their brand, as only three new flavors are now shown on their website and all in cans rather than glass bottles. They offer organic beverages, this one sweetened with agave.
While this bottle is labeled Sparkling Summer Pear, they also mention green tea and honey. My guess, prior to opening, is this will taste more like a tonic water with very light flavoring. There's a strange scent coming from the bottle upon opening that is hard to place. The smell of tea leaves is definitely hidden in that scent if you give it a few deep whiffs. The taste is quite noxious to me however. The taste of green tea is overwhelming and there is nothing pear-like. As I'm not a tea drinker I find this taste unappealing and won't finish the bottle.
Sunday, September 11, 2022
Crystal Pepsi
Crystal Pepsi would eventually fail to win much favor, and was discontinued, but it entered the zeitgeist, capturing the imaginations of young millennials in no small part due to advertising and comedic parodies of the product. In the middle of the 2010's a limited re-release of the product appeared and went just as quickly.
Sadly, while I may have found this bottle, it's too old to be any good. The carbonation is gone and it tastes much more like flat Sprite than a Pepsi cola.
Saturday, September 10, 2022
Pepsi Cola
I've discussed in the past that the birth place of many sodas were in local drugstores, and Pepsi is right in there too. Caleb Bradham, of New Bern, North Carolina, was creating his own cola concoction at the end of the 1800's. In 1893 it was first known as "Brad's Drink". Did he think "Bradham's Drink" was too much of a mouthful? The name changed five years later, when in 1898 it became known as Pepsi-Cola. The popularity of the drink grew, but Pepsi-Cola fell on hard times after World War I due to the cost of sugar. The brand would trade hands to Charles Guth in 1931. Guth hired someone to improve the recipe, and as it so happened was the president of the Loft, Inc., the world's largest manufacturer of candy in the 1920's. Loft had a chain of Happiness Candy retail stores with soda fountains in them. Guth used his new Pepsi-Cola acquisition to replace Coca-Cola in the candy stores. In 1941, the previously separate Pepsi-Cola Company, merged with Loft under the Pepsi-Cola Company name. The current landscape of food and beverage might look very different had Coca-Cola purchased Pepsi-Cola on one of the many occasions they reportedly had to do so in the 1920's and 30's.
In 1961, the name of the drink was shortened to simply, Pepsi, and then the Pepsi-Cola Company merged with snack maker Frito-Lay in 1965 to become just PepsiCo. Pepsi would go on to create a number of unique ad campaigns, most-notably they kicked of the Cola Wars of the 1980's with the Pepsi Challenge, a guerilla marketing effort based on blind taste tests showing people preferred Pepsi to Coke and later leading to the debacle of New Coke from Coca-Cola. Today Pepsi's beverages place second in market share to Coca-Cola, combining for 30% of soft drinks globally.It's fairly difficult to find Pepsi in a glass bottle. As you should know by know I prefer soda in a bottle if possible. Unfortunately, the particular curves of this bottle needs a cloth to pick up the drips like you'd use on a wine bottle. This particular bottle tastes of a little more cinnamon than you normally expect from a new can of Pepsi. Otherwise, I think everyone knows what Pepsi tastes like so I'll skip over other details.
Friday, September 9, 2022
Diet Coke Feisty Cherry
The last flavor I have from this series from Diet Coke is this can of Feisty Cherry.
Now, I like the deep black cherry aroma from opening this can. It's much nicer than the smell from the others in this series. I had high hopes from the smell, but it's another fail for me. Weak on the cherry flavoring, and the artificial sweetener leaves a bitter flavor. Similar to the Zesty Mango, there's a spice that brings up the rear. Not a fan of this one or the others in this series.
Thursday, September 8, 2022
Diet Coke Ginger Lime
Another selection from this series from Diet Coke is this Ginger Lime flavor. Based on the last couple posts, I'm expecting a sharp lime taste with a trailing heat of ginger following.
Wednesday, September 7, 2022
Coca-Cola Dreamworld
Right off the bat I could smell something different. Taking in a big whiff, at first I though bubble gum, but no, it's more like melon. Now I'm not a big melon eater so I'm not exactly sure what melon this is I'm tasting... cantaloupe maybe, or perhaps honeydew? It's not a bad flavor combination to be honest. I think it would have been better released during the summer, perfect to drink at the State Fair. As it is September now, most of the State Fairs have ended and this flavor profile doesn't conjure autumn in my mind. Nevertheless, I'd recommend giving this a try.
Diet Coke Zesty Blood Orange
Unlike the Twisted Mango, this can presents a sharp orange scent. There's really no cola flavor present as it's overwhelmingly orange in flavor, though somehow thinner than traditional orange soda. I wasn't sure what they meant by "zesty" but trailing the aftertaste you do pick up a little spice in the back of the throat. It's not heat, but more like a tingle you might get from trying an exotic pastry.
Tuesday, September 6, 2022
Diet Coke Twisted Mango
Diet Coke has experimented with a few flavors over the last few years and I've gathered some interesting offerings to try, starting with Twisted Mango.
This has a strange flavor to it and very little scent at all. I was expecting something closer to a melon-like taste, but it's like tasting a carbonated vegetable. The flavor is almost like that of green stalks than that of a sweet fruit. I don't find this pleasant.
Monday, September 5, 2022
Fest Pecan Root Beer
The soda has a rich golden brown color, not as dark as a typical root beer. It's smell is not just nutty, but earthy, almost smoky. The flavor is complex, almost bourbon-like with the slightest hint of caramel. It has a decent amount of carbonation, but I think it's right. Too much carbonation can sometimes make a soda a bit sharp and distract from the flavor. I can appreciate the use of cane sugar as well, which as I've mention in previous posts provides a softer, more "round" sweetness than corn syrup or artificial sweeteners. Just half way through this bottle and it's won me over and makes me a bit disheartened about the possibility of not being able to try their other flavors. Kudos to the folks that created this recipe.
Sunday, September 4, 2022
Dry Vanilla Bean
A crisp hiss of pressure when twisting the cap releases a bright smell of vanilla. While this has a wisp of vanilla on the front end of a sip, it's followed by a more chemical taste like a seltzer that I don't particularly find enjoyable. This is a noticeable trend to me among the Dry Sodas in that they are not exactly in the realm of other sodas, but very specialized to a niche drinker or someone looking to use them for meal preparation purposes. I've got another flavor from Dry to review soon, but expecting I'll probably feel the same way.
Saturday, September 3, 2022
Mountain Dew White Label
It has a grapefruit-like aroma when opening. The flavor is like that of a blend of Fresca and Squirt, not unpleasant to me at all, albeit with more caffeine. Interestingly it lists white grape juice high on the list of ingredients. I think the carbonation level is just right. One of the thinks that strikes me though about this drink is the beauty of the matte white can.