Tuesday, March 5, 2024

W.T. Heck Waffles & Syrup

So here's a strange one. W.T. Heck sodas come from the Blue Sun Bottling company out of Spring Lake, Minnesota. They also make the State Fair sodas, as previously mentioned in State Fair Mini Doughnut. I didn't find anything on when they started making the W.T. Heck labeled drinks, but it's an odd flavored lineup, including flavors such as Spaghetti, Blue Cheese Dressing, and Dill Pickle. Those sound sickening, but waffles and syrup sound like it could be half decent. So let's give it a shot. 

Strangely, in addition to the smell of maple syrup as I give it a good sniff, my brain is painting a picture of a diner with coffee in the air in addition to waffles and syrup. That mix of coffee with the other scents is such a mind meld because I doubt they included anything meant for that to happen but smells are strange in how they can link to memories. It's not very carbonated at all. I wonder if it wasn't well capped and the gasses leaked because it's not an old bottle. It's pretty dead on in terms of matching the taste of syrup covered waffles. Not a rich quality made syrup mind you, but nonetheless this company has impressed me with their ability to match flavor profiles to non-beverage foods. It's still bizarre to taste in a drink though, which is what will make this remain a curiosity. It's worth a taste if you come across a bottle. 

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