Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Pepsi Lime

Pepsi has a couple of recent entries into the arena of flavor varieties of cola, hand in hand with Coca-Cola's flavor shenanigans. 

You'll probably need to pay very close attention to pick up the tiniest hint of lime in the smell off of this, it mostly smells like plain Pepsi cola. I've only taken a few swigs to contemplate it, but it's not coming across very well. It's got the taste of cola mixed with household cleaner. As I continue to taste it, it grows on me in a very small way. The lime isn't heavy-handed, but I just don't feel like lime and cola are the greatest flavor combination. It would probably take me an entire day sipping away on this to finish an entire bottle. That tiny tinge of lime does have a lingering aftertaste that reminds you of lime again. I'd say as a limited edition its worth trying, but I doubt it could stand as a regular flavor. Thankfully, I was able to find this flavor available in single bottles. Unlike Coca-Cola they haven't learned that its harder to get people to drop $10 on a 12-pack for a new flavor they may not like. If you're interested in trying this hopefully you'll be able to find a single bottle too. They've released a peach flavor too but I've found no single bottles of it around yet.

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